방법: 컬럼값을 Hex 값으로 변환한 후 1 byte씩 체크하면서 코드값이 '80' 이상이면
한글로 가정하고 'KOR' 이란 값을 리턴함.
특수문자, 숫자, 영문은 Hex로 '7F' 이하의 값을 가짐. (아래 ASCII표 참조)
만약, 틀린 결과가 나오는 경우가 있다면 reply 요망.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION KHC1.kr_check (cbuf in varchar2) return
str_pos integer:=1;
ret varchar2(10) := null;
cbuff varchar2(2000);
select rawtohex(cbuf) into cbuff from dual;
if cbuf is NULL then
return ret;
end if;
while (str_pos < length(cbuff))
if (substr(cbuff,str_pos,2)) > '80' then
ret := 'KOR';
end if;
str_pos := str_pos + 2;
end loop;
return ret;
when others then
위의 function을 compile 한 후 아래와 같이 사용.
select col1, rawtohex(col1), kr_check(col1) from test;
------------- --------------------------- ---------------
english test 656E676C6973682074657374
ENGLISH TEST 454E474C4953482054455354
12complex혼합 3132636F6D706C6578C8A5C7D5 KOR
1234455 31323334343535
Dec Hx Oct Char Dec Hx Oct Char Dec Hx Oct Char Dec Hx Oct Char
--------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
0 0 000 NUL (null) 32 20 040 SPACE 64 40 100 @ 96 60 140 `
1 1 001 SOH (start of heading) 33 21 041 ! 65 41 101 A 97 61 141 a
2 2 002 STX (start of text) 34 22 042 " 66 42 102 B 98 62 142 b
3 3 003 ETX (end of text) 35 23 043 # 67 43 103 C 99 63 143 c
4 4 004 EOT (end of transmission) 36 24 044 $ 68 44 104 D 100 64 144 d
5 5 005 ENQ (enquiry) 37 25 045 % 69 45 105 E 101 65 145 e
6 6 006 ACK (acknowledge) 38 26 046 & 70 46 106 F 102 66 146 f
7 7 007 BEL (bell) 39 27 047 ` 71 47 107 G 103 67 147 g
8 8 010 BS (backspace) 40 28 050 ( 72 48 110 H 104 68 150 h
9 9 011 TAB (horizontal tab) 41 29 051 ) 73 49 111 I 105 69 151 i
10 A 012 LF (NL line feed, new line) 42 2A 052 * 74 4A 112 J 106 6A 152 j
11 B 013 VT (vertical tab) 43 2B 053 + 75 4B 113 K 107 6B 153 k
12 C 014 FF (NP form feed, new page) 44 2C 054 , 76 4C 114 L 108 6C 154 l
13 D 015 CR (carriage return) 45 2D 055 - 77 4D 115 M 109 6D 155 m
14 E 016 SO (shift out) 46 2E 056 . 78 4E 116 N 110 6E 156 n
15 F 017 SI (shift in) 47 2F 057 / 79 4F 117 O 111 6F 157 o
16 10 020 DLE (data link escape) 48 30 060 0 80 50 120 P 112 70 160 p
17 11 021 DC1 (device control 1) 49 31 061 1 81 51 121 Q 113 71 161 q
18 12 022 DC2 (device control 2) 50 32 062 2 82 52 122 R 114 72 162 r
19 13 023 DC3 (device control 3) 51 33 063 3 83 53 123 S 115 73 163 s
20 14 024 DC4 (device control 4) 52 34 064 4 84 54 124 T 116 74 164 t
21 15 025 NAK (negative acknowledge) 53 35 065 5 85 55 125 U 117 75 165 u
22 16 026 SYN (synchronous idle) 54 36 066 6 86 56 126 V 118 76 166 v
23 17 027 ETB (end of trans. block) 55 37 067 7 87 57 127 W 119 77 167 w
24 18 030 CAN (cancel) 56 38 070 8 88 58 130 X 120 78 170 x
25 19 031 EM (end of medium) 57 39 071 9 89 59 131 Y 121 79 171 y
26 1A 032 SUB (substitute) 58 3A 072 : 90 5A 132 Z 122 7A 172 z
27 1B 033 ESC (escape) 59 3B 073 ; 91 5B 133 [ 123 7B 173 {
28 1C 034 FS (file separator) 60 3C 074 < 92 5C 134 \ 124 7C 174 |
29 1D 035 GS (group separator) 61 3D 075 = 93 5D 135 ] 125 7D 175 }
30 1E 036 RS (record separator) 62 3E 076 > 94 5E 136 ^ 126 7E 176 ~
31 1F 037 US (unit separator) 63 3F 077 ? 95 5F 137 _ 127 7F 177 DEL